To learn more about the following services, please complete and return the form below, and the Department in charge will contact you within 2 to 3 business days.

*Required information.

    Inquiry Category*
    InterpretingTranslationTemporary StaffingOutbound Relocation SupportForeign Language TrainingForeign Language NarrationForeign Staff CastingBusiness TrainingHuman Resources Development TrainingRegistered StaffInterviewOthers

    Inquiry Details*

    [1]Name of Company/Organization

    [2]Name of Company/Organization (Kana character)

    [3]Your Department and Title


    [5]Name*(Katakana: Reading of the Chinese characters)

    [6]Postal Code*



    [9]Street Name/Block*

    [10]Building/Room Number

    [11]Telephone No.*

    [12]Email Address*


    How did you find out about us?
    Our WebsiteSearch EngineNewspaper/AdvertisementMagazineIntroductionOther

    Please specify.

    --To answer your inquiry

    --To communicate in executing operations, send/receive materials necessary for operations, and provide our services
    --To provide information about other company services

     Please read the "Purposes of Utilizing Personal Information" above, check the box if you agree, and click "Submit".